[pr]: nom preferent / preferred name
[pr//]: Nom homònim però considerat preferit, recomanat (provisionalment pot ser considerat nom principal de l'espècie) / Homonym name but considered preferred, recommended (can be provisionally considered as the species main name)
[//]: Nom homònim (nom idèntic que es refereixi a 2 o diversos tàxons) considerat no preferit, no recomanat. Nom ambigu / Homonym name (Identical name that refers to 2 or more taxa) considered not preferred, not recommended. Ambiguous name
[impr] improprius: impropi / inappropriate, misapplied
[arbr] arbor: arbre / tree
[arbt] arbustum: arbust / shrub, bush
[ftex] frutex: mata (arbust de poca alçària, < 0,50 m), subarbust / subshrub, shrub
[nana] planta nana, pumila: planta nana / dwarf plant
[iuvn] iuvenis: exemplar jove, petit, plançó / young specimen
[silv] silvaticus, silvestris: salvatge, silvestre, boscà / wild
[cult] cultus: cultivat / cultivated
[cult-orn] : cultivada ornamental / ornamental cultivated
[cult-frut], [prod-frut]: cultivada - producció de fruit / cultivated - fruit production
[uspl-] ...: nom d'acord amb l'ús o utilitat de la planta / name according to the use or utility of the plant
[uspl-][-frut]: ... pel fruit / ... for fruit
[uspl-][-lign]: ... per la fusta / ...for wood
[radx] radix: arrel / root
[rami] rami: branques / branches
[foli] folium: fulla (pl. fulles) / leaf (pl. leaves)
[flos] flos: flor, inflorescencia / flower, inflorescence
[amnt] amentum: gatell, ament / catkin, ament, amentum
[frut] fructus: fruit, infructescència / fruit, infrutescence
[frre] fructus+recens, viridis: fruita fresca / fresh fruit
[frnx] fructus+siccus, nux: fruit sec, fruita seca / nut
[frds]: fruita dessecada / dried fruit
[strb], [cons] strobilus, conus: con, pinya, (estróbil, òrgan fructífer) / cone, (strobilus, strobile, fruit organ)
[cupl] cupula: cúpula, involucre / cupule, involucre, ~husk
[semn] semen: llavor, grana, sement / seed, grain
[cort] cortex: escorça / bark, cortex
[lign] lignum, materia lignea: fusta, tronc (ligne, lleny), fusta comercial / timber, lumber, wood; commercial name
[lupt] lupia: fusta de llúpia, de l'arrel / burr, bur; burl (American English)
[prod] :producte / product
[cera] cera: cera / wax
[mann] manna: mannà (substància gomosa i dolça que flueix del freixe de flor i d'altres) / manna (gummy and sweet substance that flows from the flowering ash and others)
[olem] oleum: oli / oil
[oles] essentia: essència, oli essencial / essential oil, essence
[pots] potus: beguda / drink, beverage
[vimn] vimen (calathoplectica): vímet - branca flexible (cistelleria) / wicker, withy, withe (basketry, wickerwork)
[aspg] asparagus: nom de l'espàrrec, turió o brot tendre comestible / asparagus name, turio or edible young shoot
[rhiz] rhizomata, radix: urpa de les esparregueres, rizoma suport dels borrons o gemmes / asparagus crown, rhizome or planting root support of buds
[lign-vetl-perf] lignum + vetulus + perforare: Fusta vella danyada per barrinadors que és reutilitzada per fer mobles "rústics" / Old wood damaged by borers that is reused to make "rustic" furniture Ex: wormy chesnut
[bacl] baculum: bastó de passeig / passejar / walking-stick